Crime Statistics Agency

Crime Statistics Agency

Sunday, 11th February 2018

Crime Statistics are published quarertly and can be found on the Crime Statistics Agency website -

Below is a summary of the State wide figures year ending 30 June 2018:

The number of criminal incidents recorded by police in the year to 30 June 2018 was 299,501. This is down 7.4% from 323,516 incidents recorded in the same period last year.

The major offence categories that showed significant downward trends for recorded offences were:

  • Burglary/Break and enter (down 16.4% from 52,039 to 43,518)
  • Theft (down 8.5% from 182,143 to 166,677)
  • Drug dealing and trafficking (down 5.2% from 4,519 to 4,282)
  • Justice procedures (down 4.4% from 12,770 to 12,212)

Of the alleged offender incidents that involved a person, 79.3% involved a male offender and 20.7% involved a female offender.  For the year ending June 2018, for both male and female alleged offenders, just under one-third were aged between 20–29 years.

The number of recorded offences of Property and deception offences decreased by 27,154 incidents or 8.6% in the last 12 months, driven by an 8.5% (15,466 offences) decrease in Theft to 166,677

Victim reports decreased in the year to 30 June 2018 by 7.4%.

To view this full report, go to: 

Source: Crime Statistics Agency